When Science Meets Steel
Steel drums are the workhorse of our global economy. Most commonly the 55 US Gallon aka 45 Imperial Gallon aka 208 Liter drum is the Goldilocks special: not to small, not to big, and just right for a...
View ArticleGiant Cargo Ship Arrives at US Port!
On December 26, 2015, the Port of Oakland berthed the largest cargo ship to ever visit the U.S. The CMA CGM Benjamin Franklin, at 1,310-feet nearly a quarter-mile long, tied up at the Port’s Outer...
View ArticleOur History in Pictures
Skolnik Industries has been one of the most reputable names in the steel drum and packaging arena for nearly a century. Today we have a global market, but it all started in a small, family owned drum...
View ArticleSkolnik Cited by Chicago Tribune for Participation in Youth Employment
All stories of good intentions do not necessarily end as expected. Early in 2016, Dean Ricker, Skolnik’s VP of Sales, became interested in a program to help employ Chicago’s youth. The Manufacturing...
View ArticleBourbon Theft Ring Brings Skolnik Stainless Steel Barrels into the Spotlight
To a distiller, there is nothing more beautiful than a perfectly charred oak barrel. Except maybe a stainless steel barrel that can hold their precious bourbon for as long as is needed without tainting...
View ArticleOil’s Long History with the 55 Gallon Steel Drum
The 55 gallon steel drum is perhaps the most iconic barrel Skolnik produces. Seen in countless movies and TV shows, in real life and in photographs, if you were to ask someone to think of what a barrel...
View ArticleUsing Lasers to Examine Overpack Drums
Overpack drums are used to contain a wide variety of hazards, from harsh chemicals to combustible materials. One of the more dramatic uses of these drums is to store spent nuclear fuel. The fuel rods...
View ArticleSleep it off…in a Barrel Room!
Readers of the Skolnik blog know that we offer news and topical stories effecting the dangerous goods community and the wine industry. However, in this piece, we believe we have found the common ground...
View ArticleCongratulations Dean!
Dean Ricker, Skolnik’s President, was chosen by Crain’s Chicago Business as one of the LGBT business leaders in Chicago. Read the full article here.
View ArticleDean Ricker Talks about Growth Strategy with Kellog MBA’s
Dec 7, 2019 — Northwestern’s Kellog Business School, Evanston, IL. Representing companies that are creatively growing their markets, Dean Ricker, President of Skolnik, spoke on growth strategies along...
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